
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Objective First

You can't get lost driving or walking if you don't have a target destination. But if you do that, don't expect to arrive at a place you desire to go to. And you can't blame your car, your map or the road but you only have yourself to point a finger to.

When you invest, you should always have a goal. Whether it's for your retirement, for buying a house, a phone or a car, whatever it is, there must always be a target. To save money as a goal is also possible, but put a number in there so that you'll know if you're moving towards near it and also to be able to calculate if it's mathematically possible with the way you're doing it at the present. 

Investing is not just an act but a discipline. You just don't do it. With your first peso, you must have an end in mind. Remember that your first steps  are the most important in reaching your destinations. But in case you get lost in the middle, don't be afraid to ask for guidance from those who are more familiar with the directions.

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